I'm Waiting You

Story Dibaa Them Find

shut up !
Sunday, July 1, 2012 | 11:27 AM | 0 BlackWhite
tgk pic kat bawah nii , happy je enn but inside I’m dying .

okay ni semua berpunca dari mulut mulut manusia yang berbau seharum bunga yg mekar di tman yg indah bgaikan kyangan . okay as we know “mulut manusia siapa bole tutup” . oleh itu , kesabaran di perlukan untuk saat dan detik ini .

have you read my facebook status ? here I copy for you  

Anyone can talk anything bad about you but in fact they do not know anything about you . 
Bitch and bastard outside there , watch your mouth , kay thanks ;) 

ohh yeahh , aq ta tahu aq buat salah apa kt minah ni , tetiba je dy na kacau hidup aq . ehh , aq kenal kau pun ta , asal kau na kacau hidup aq segala bagai ? weyy , kau tahu ta ? kau sedang bagi aq phala free and kau tgh menambah dosa kau ? okay aq malas na type pnjang pnjang , kang ta pasal aq buat dosa mcm kau . ehh senang cita , kau ta perlu kot na kutuk aq belakang belakang . mehh face to face laa . settle problem , assalamualaikum ;)

he stole my heart
Friday, June 1, 2012 | 11:30 PM | 0 BlackWhite

A perfect moment will give a true happiness . And I wish for that . Thanks to the loved ones which had gave me a lot of happiness . i love you  , Panda

Credit to: Lovely  one who stole my heart

bye tears :')
Sunday, April 15, 2012 | 10:23 AM | 0 BlackWhite

these tears always came out without i noticed it . drop by drop and slowly made me felt sad for a moment . i try to take a deep breath so that i still can continue my life . but i really know that this games is the hardest . i try to be cool but sometimes it's obvious that i am pretend to be one . every step that i take bring me nearer to the path which i don't choose . now i realize i should make my own path to keep stronger than before . woke up in the morning and wished everything will be fine . with the smile on my face , with the sound of laugh that i can made , with the jokes that i threw out , i knew i will be fine . i hope i can be a stronger girl every time i am in my new days start from now ;)

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